Matthijs van Wolferen LL.M.

Personal Details

Name: Matthijs (M.J.) van Wolferen
Address: Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
Residence: Groningen
Date of Birth: November 4, 1983


Date Title Publication/issue
2018: "The Rule of Law and the Constitutional Dialogue in the EU" co-authored ch. w. prof. Dimitry Kochenov, CUP
2017: "Speaking Truth To Power - The problem of the public interest at the CJEU" monograph, publisher to be anounced
2016: "The limits to interpretation of locus standi criteria, a theoretical framework" Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER) 4
2012: Annotatie HvJ EU, 25-10-2011, T-262/10 (Microban) European Human Rights Cases (EHRC) 1


Date Prize Article
2017 Luke Foster JCER Best Article prize "The limits to interpretation of locus standi criteria"

Conference Presentations

Date Conference Title Presentation
2016: European Environmental Law Forum, Wroclaw "We need to talk about our relationship", Problems of public interest in Luxembourg.
2016: UACES Student Forum, Brussels A United Interest? Does the Court's approach to public interest litigation a prevent a united approach to environmental protection?
2014: Legal Research Network Conference, Bristol Has the Court of Justice overstepped its boundaries in the VLK case?
2013: European Environmental Law Federation, Groningen The Unexpected Teeth of a Paper Tiger, the effects of Aarhus in national legal orders through Luxembourg
2011: Legal Research Network Conference, Gottingen Will Litigation Ever be the Saviour of the European Environment?


Date Description
Summer 2012: Young Scholars Lab, European University Institute
2010 – 2011: Ma. International and European Law, University of Groningen
2001 – 2010: Ba. International and European Law, University of Groningen


Date Activity Content
2017: Blogs for IdeasOnEurope. Part of prof. Albrecht Sonntag's blog attempt to give a better understanding of the European elections in a European context.
2015: Young Scholars Masterclass. Programme organised by the Pre University Academy in which I have taught advanced high school students about the legal measures taken by the EU in creating a more sustainable society.
2014: High School Lectures. Lectures organised by the Gammasteunpunt with the purpose to offer an introduction to potential university student in (European) Law.
2014: Inter-facultary Research Meeting Google Spain Organised an inter-facultary meeting with 19 participants from Sciences, Arts and Law departments, as well as law firms, on the effect of 'The Right to be Forgotten'.
2014: Advisory Opinion for Greenpeace NL Consulting work for Greenpeace Netherlands regarding access to information in the construction of Coal Fired Power Plants.

Work Experience

Date Function Description
2011 – present: Ph.D. Department of European and Economic Law. Research on public interest litgation before the Court of Justice EU. Creating a theoretical framework that offers an explanation and solution for the CJEU's approach to standing for (E)NGOs
2011 - 2016: Lecturer in European Law. Teaching tutorials for the general course of European Law in both English and Dutch. Lecturer for the European law on Judicial Protection.
2011 - 2012: Coordinator of European Law workgroups. Supervision of 20 student-teachers. Formulating case assignments. Handling of e-mail and questions from 700 students following the course. Teaching 3 Dutch language workgroups and 1 English language workgroup. Creating a different tutorial for Int. Relations students.
2011 – 2012: Lecturer for the European Law Practicum. Supervision of 60 students in an intensive course aimed at improving legal writing and analytical skills.
2009 – 2010: Assistant to Professor M. Roggenkamp. Developing a Postgraduate Education Program in the field of Energy Law.

Other Relevant Experience

Date Function Description
2015 – 2016: Chairman Permanente Programma Commissie for a political party. A committee that tries to constantly incorporate the daily affairs and the aims and aspirations of the political party into the electoral programme and into the working routine of the party proper.
2010 – 2011: Student Teacher in European Law. Teaching EU law tutorials for students of International Relations and International Organisations, who have a non-legal background.
2008 – 2009: Member of the Advisory Board for Facility Services University of Groningen. Advisory committee that helps in developing strategy, oversees the expenditure of Facility Services and helped guide the corporate restructuring.
2008 – 2009: Member of the Advisory Board for the Donald Smith Centre for Information Technology. Similar to the above, though more aimed at diving the technological needs and potential of the University of Groningen.
2008 – 2009: Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law. As an advisory member of the Faculty Board, I had the possibility to develop my own opinions and views on all policy of the faculty. As such, I was involved in and advised on the development of a better education program, incentivising student participation in class and research, structuring and funding of research programs.
2007 – 2008: Member University Council Groningen. The highest level of political participation in University policy development, I specifically focused on the University budget and financial planning and on legal affairs.
2005 – 2007: Course Program Committee for International and European Law. Member of the committee that decides on the program for both the L.B. and LL.M. In International and European Law, it also takes care of quality control and ad-hoc problems for these programs.


Language skills

Language Reading Writing Verbal
Dutch Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
German Excellent Good Good
French Good Good Good
Italian Basic Basic Basic

General Skills and Talents

Computer Skills


A voracious reader of both fiction and non-fiction. Idealist that loves to support and help the causes he believes in, from a greener world to the spread of knowledge on the importance of privacy and FOSS. Spends time in the kitchen whenever he can and loves to connect to foreign cultures through both cooking and travel, when possible combining the two. When not walking, running or biking through nature, I will be found on the rugby pitch being distracted by the sheep and dogs that surround the field.

Last updated: Sun 05 February 2017